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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Clean Energy

  • Clean Energy

    The international community is striving to respond to climate change and accelerate the transition to clean energy. At the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) held in Abu Dhabi, UAE from November 30 to December 13, 2023, over 130 countries, including the Republic of Korea, pledged to triple the global renewable energy generation capacity to at least 11,000 GW by 2030, and to double the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvement from around 2% to over 4% every year until 2030. Moreover, the countries agreed to accelerate the use of zero- and low-emissions technologies such as nuclear power, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), and low-carbon hydrogen. The Republic of Korea, along with 21 other countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan, adopted a declaration aiming to triple nuclear power generation capacity by 2050.

    The Republic of Korea is working to transition to clean energy through the harmonious utilization of various technology-neutral carbon-free energy sources. As part of this effort, the Republic of Korea has proposed the Carbon Free Energy (CFE) Initiative to promote decarbonization in the energy sector through active use of CFE, and is facilitating international discussions on developing the concept of carbon free energy for international standardization.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (MOFA) is actively participating in relevant discussions at various multilateral fora such as the International Renewable Energy Agency, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and the G20 to contribute to the global efforts for clean energy transition. MOFA is also strengthening international cooperation by organizing various international events in climate and clean energy sectors.

    Furthermore, MOFA has reorganized its previously known as Global Energy Cooperation Center into the Climate and Energy Cooperation Center as of May 2024 to bolster the ministry’s capabilities in analyzing domestic and international trends in climate and clean energy, and to strengthen its support for Korean clean energy companies in expanding their business overseas and reducing their carbon footprints.

    Going forward, MOFA will continue its diplomatic efforts to achieve Korea's 2050 carbon neutrality goal and clean energy transition.