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2022 IFANS 국제문제회의 개회사

홍현익 국립외교원장
Opening Remarks

by KNDA Chancellor HONG Hyun-Ik
at the 2022 IFANS Conference on Global Affairs

The Honorable Park Jin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea,
Esteemed Scholars and Professionals, Honorable Members of the Diplomatic Corps, and Distinguished Guests,

It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome all of you to the 2022 IFANS Conference on Global Affairs convened
under the theme of “Global Pivotal State: Visions and Strategies.” Let me extend my sincere gratitude to all of you who have taken part in this event despite your busy schedules.

As many of you already know, the Yoon Suk Yeol administration’s main foreign policy goal is to make South Korea a “global pivotal state.” Today’s event, as the theme suggests, will provide a timely opportunity to explore the true meaning of a “global pivotal state” and
what the Korean government intends to achieve with this new foreign policy vision.

The Korea National Diplomatic Academy’s contribution to Korean diplomacy dates back to 1965. 
One of our missions is to train the next generation of international affairs professionals to remain competitive and relevant
in a fast-changing global political landscape. And our research wing, the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, generates practical foreign policy ideas and prudent strategy through rigorous research.
By these sustained efforts, the KNDA has strived to support the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ endeavors to
advance Korea’s vital national interests, and promote international peace and co-prosperity.

As Korea’s top institute in the foreign and national security policymaking sphere, we have brought together many academic thought leaders to seek effective responses to emerging challenges of our time. Today’s event is the latest in a series of efforts made by our institute to hear from renowned experts. The IFANS Conference on Global Affairs is also referred to as our “signature conference,” because it is biggest and the most significant event arranged by the KNDA every year. 

At this crucial time defined by an ever-evolving political landscape, Korea must act nimbly to promote national interests and work with regional and global partners to navigate shared challenges facing the world. In this sense, I believe we have chosen a timely theme for this year’s conference. In today’s sessions, we will share ideas on what Korea, as a “global pivotal state,” can do to address the challenges we face and shape a better future for the international community.

Distinguished Guests, 

Amid a constantly evolving global security situation, Korea faces its own conundrums; North Korea continues to increase tensions in the region, and a wide range of economic and trade issues put pressure on our country. Korea also faces a challenging task of managing stable relations with the four regional powers: the U.S., China, Japan and Russia. And tremendous regional and global challenges are complicating the strategic picture, and demand our careful attention. 

The U.S. and China have engaged in the long-standing and ever-intensifying strategic rivalry over the last two decades. Russian aggression on Ukraine could unleash a nuclear disaster. North Korea’s uncurbed ambitions for advancing its Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) and military provocations are posing serious security threats. Our government also needs to redefine relations with China and Japan. The resurgence of trade protectionism and realignment of global supply chains around the world deserve our close attention, too. 

With this in mind, all of us here today need to share deep thoughts on Korea’s level-headed foreign policy to unravel the entangled Gordian Knot of our time. Our first step today is to explore how to strengthen extended deterrence against North Korea’s nuclear threat and vigilantly face down national security threats while bringing Pyongyang back to the negotiation table. We will then discuss various policy ideas to contribute to redoubling regional and international economic cooperation, and promoting the international community’s co-prosperity.

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I firmly believe that your clear-eyed insights and passionate discussions today will help us better live up to our president’s vision for a “global pivotal state” with a carefully-crafted foreign policy direction and wise strategies.
Thank you very much once again for your presence today, Ladies and Gentlemen. My special appreciation goes to Korea’s youths who will pave the path for Korean diplomacy. And Distinguished Delegations of Diplomatic Corps, your presence with us today speaks volumes.

Thank you for standing by Korea’s side in our tireless diplomatic efforts. And lastly, I would like to thank my team at the KNDA, especially my colleagues at the Department of Asian and Pacific Studies, for their dedicated efforts at today’s meticulous arrangements.
Thank you. /End/
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